Individual and group classes In THE STUDIO & ONLINE

About us

 We are the one and only Bikram Yoga studio in Bulgaria and we teach in English for our foreign friends !

 We teach the authentic & original hot yoga – a method of healing through physical and mental exercise. Bikram Yoga is a Hatha yoga series of 26 asanas and 2 breathing excersices practiced in a heated room. The system was developed by Bikram Choudhury and has for more than 40 years helped people all over the world to strengthen and heal both body and mind. It is a powerful and complete system that intelligently and systematically works through your whole body. It is suitable for all ages and levels of ability. Together we hope to create an environment where every person can realize his or her full potential.

Find out more about the main benefits by reading bellow.

With us you can also practice Ghosh Yoga, Yin, Vinyasa, Pilates and Mobility. We offer Kids Yoga for the little ones (5-8 years) and Yoga 60+ for seniors.




Main benefits

The Crew

certified and experienced


I discovered yoga 15 years ago in Rio (Brazil ). In 2011 i took a course in Kids yoga in Paris (Rainbow kids yoga) and this same year i discovered Bikram yoga and that was a love at first sight. Fall 2012 i graduated from Bikram Yoga College of India in Los Angeles and that was my introduction to Bishnu Ghosh lineage, one of the biggest influences on Modern Postural Yoga (and Yogananda’s brother). In 2014 i went back studying this time in Mexico with Tony Sanchez and in 2016 i participated to my first Jedi Fight Club, developed and conducted by Esak Garcia, and reached a more complete teaching method and a more fulfilling experience of yoga asana. I was invited to teach yoga in different studios around the world which gave me the opportunity to spend 5 months traveling and teaching with my husband and my 2 kids. This incredible experience led us open our Bikram Yoga studio in Bulgaria.

+ 2020 – Secret Geometry Vinyasa & 2021 Mobility & Strength с Ben Sears.



I went into my first Bikram class in august 2011 in Michael Gilbourne’s Bikram Yoga Nice and since that day this yoga is an essential element of my life. My discovery began with the physical practice and soon expanded beyond. It’s a moving meditation so you’re healing not just physically, but mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It’s a holistic, life changing experience. The idea of having our studio emerged in 2012. That’s the year when Francesca did the Teacher Training and an year later i was back in Los Angeles to endure this nine week long experience, with the idea to bring this yoga one day to my hometown. In  2017 i graduated in Naturopathy in CFPPA Hyères, France and came back to Varna to share what i love.



I met yoga more than 15 years ago, but apparently I wasn’t motivated enough to start doing it actively.

As a result of increased stress and health problems, I rediscovered yoga practices at Bikram Yoga Varna with Filip and Franci.Gradually, balance and health returned to my body.

The whole process met me with Ghosh Yoga and i did my YTT200 with Ida Jo and Scott Lamps.

I am currently focused on the anatomy of the human body and ways to deal with illness and stress.


we do yoga everyday!















Mobility & Strength



*VINYASA FLOW  17:00-18:00

< new class >


*VINYASA FLOW 19:00 – 20:00















Mobility & Strength



*VINYASA FLOW  17:00-18:00

< new class >


*VINYASA FLOW 19:00 – 20:00














Mobility & Strength

















YIN Yoga




BANK HOLIDAYS & VACATIONS please check FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM for the schedule 

*HOT45, *SOMA, *POWER & *Vinyasa FLOW you can also use MULTISPORT 

Class description

BIKRAM 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises This is a beginner class and gives students a strong foundation, helping them to achieve maximum therapeutic benefits in their practice. It works every part of the body, inside and out, maintaining optimum health and function.


HOT45 based on the traditional Bikram 26 & 2 practice. This is a quick-paced beginner class (45 minutes) targeting the spine, done with seamless transitions to maintain optimum function in the body. For all dynamic people with a committed daily routine.  

GHOSH YOGA /  POWER YOGA Therapeutic yoga from Ghosh’s Yoga College in Kolkata, India.

YIN YOGA mostly practiced on the floor using seated or reclining poses with little to no muscle activation to apply moderate stress targeting the connective tissues —the tendons, fascia, and ligaments. This class increases circulation of energy in the body and promote flexibility.   


 SOMA Mobility & Strenght It’s a method of exercise which emphasizes balanced muscle development through core strength, flexibility, and body awareness.

GHOSH YOGA /  POWER YOGA Therapeutic yoga from Ghosh’s Yoga College in Kolkata, India.

VINYASA FLOW is a dynamic practice in which the poses are performed in a continuous and active flow, with each movement coordinated with breathing. Builds focus, strength and flexibility.


Drop in: 

BIKRAM 90′-25 lv // 60′ – 25lv

GHOSH -20 lv //  YIN-20 lv


Card 5 classes- 90 lv (valid 2 months)

Card 10 classes- 160 lv (valid 2 months)

7 days unlimitted pass-85 lv

1 month unlimited- 170 lv

Private class • 80lv  (designed for your body, abilities and goal)

Kids YOGA • 12lv 



All of the postures in the Bikram Series work to increase the flow of oxygenated blood to ever part of the body. Bikram calls this dynamic “Extension and Compression” ; stretching one side of the body stretches the veins and arteries , narrowing them so normal blood flow cannot flow through; the heart pumps harder trying to accomplish what it normally does, This is the tourniquet effect – when the blood supply is released, blood rushes through the veins and arteries flushing them out, re-energizing and re-organizing the veins, arteries and organs of the body.

The heated room warms your muscles. Warm muscles will be looser and allow you to work more deeply and safely into the postures.The heat detoxifies the body using the largest gland in the body – the sweat glands.It dilates even the smallest capillary to allow more blood flow to the muscles.Increases the heart rate to work your cardiovascular systemIt helps to focus your mind on the present moment.

This is the most common misconception that prevents people from coming to a yoga class. Yoga is not about how flexible you are. It is about stretching your body and spine in all directions. All that matters is that you try the right way, do the best you can and breathe normally.

Practicing the same series offers several benefits. First, there is a sense of consistency. You become familiar with the postures over time and discover your own level of practice. Secondly, although the postures stay the same, your body is constantly changing and evolving. Strength, flexibility and state of mind are always in flux and you will find a different challenge every time you step onto your mat.

Refrain from eating 3 hours before class.
Keep well hydrated throughout the day.If you have a mat, please bring it to class ( If not, we will lend you one for the first class) and 2 towels – 1 large towel to place on top of the mat in the yoga room and 1 for the shower.
Water to drink. 
You should aim to dress as light as possible. We recommend that men wear shorts or a bathing suit and women wear an exercise top with a pair of shorts, or a swimsuit. Material should be thin and breathable..
Be on time! Once the instructor has entered the room class begins immediately and no more students are allowed to enter the studio. If it is your first time, please make sure you are early to class (at least 15 minutes).
Bring a smile and open mind!

It’s normal to feel dizzy or nauseous when beginning Bikram Yoga; do not be concerned, you will be allowing parts of your body to open that may have been stagnant for years and toxins will be released. You will be surprised how much easier a class gets as you clean and strengthen your body. You will begin to see the heat as your friend and makes you feel GREAT after class! Also make sure you are getting enough natural electrolytes when you hydrate. Electrolytes-enhanced beverages or simply a pinch of sea salt with honey and lemon in your water bottle should suffice.

How quickly you progress will depend entirely on you- on your natural ability to a small extent, but mostly upon the honest time and effort you give to the practice. Do as much as you can honestly on any given day, always respecting and listening to your body’s needs. There is no standard of comparison , except yourself. Just continue to show up for class, practice in the present moment and you will be delighted with the unexpected benefits that emerge!

Look at someone who has been doing this yoga for over twenty or thirty years. Don’t ask their ages. They have become timeless:)

Find us Location

Click and see in G Maps:
Georgy Boev str. 9010 Varna

Get in touch with us

we would love to hear from you

Use our contacts:
Phone:   +359 89 972 9754  +359 89 6712811

Visit us on the spot

” Georgi Boev”str, Levski Varna, 9010

Let us know if you have any questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Studio opening hours

Monday – Sunday : Our doors open 30 minutes before each registered class time.